Saturday, April 4, 2009

Homeschool Easter Egg Hunt

On Friday, our homeschool support group had an Easter egg hunt. It was a special treat for us. Not only was it a chance to get out and socialize with our friends but after a week of rain, it was just a blessing to be outside period! The sky was extra blue and the grass extra green and we just relished every second.

There was a contest for decorating baskets. Melissa made hers to look like a bunny. She did most of the work during read alouds. Harrison opted NOT to make one because he thought the whole concept to be "uncool." Easter just seems a bit more feminine with the pastels, bunnies chicks and flowers.

To make the basket, Melissa bought a basket at Dollar Tree and covered it with cottonballs. She made a mouth with a piece of red pipe cleaner, used a pom pom for a nose and googly eyes. She cut out felt ears and glued to the basket handles. She was going to add whiskers but we were out of white pipe cleaners.

As if finding eggs filled with candy were not enough, they enjoyed a whole bunch of yummy sweet treats!! Besides the egg hunt and basket contest, they had a egg in the spoon relay race and lots of free play with their friends at the park.

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