So we compensated by having what little school we had in interesting places. We had school on the trampoline one day and at the laundromat another day (thanks to dryer breaking when we are ultra-behind on laundry lol).
Reading: Both kids read Minstrel in the Tower. H reread parts of Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare. Melissa continued Spy for the Night Riders.
Writing: Melissa made a new outline for her megalodon report, wrote an email to one of the stables to request a tour and wrote in her journal. H wrote a paper comparing Samurais and Vikings. He also composed a multiple choice quiz on Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare.
Language Arts: Our homeschool group is having a spelling bee this week so they took the list of words and divided how many words per day to study this week (after subtracting words they studied last week) and made flash cards for words they had missed in pretesting each other. They did this own their own without any input from me! They practiced typing several times.
Spanish: Rosetta Stone
Math: Melissa worked on capacity and did some review in Singapore 3B. H worked on adding and subtracting decimals.
Logic: M did an analogy exercise from Logic Countdown. H played a strategy board game about Samurais. We seemed to on a riddle kick this week.

Science: They played a game of Elementeo. We also dug for fossils, sorted and classified them.
Nature Studies: We read a chapter from Burgess Bird Book on oven birds and red-tail hawks. We continued identifying birds from our window and on a nature walk. We went to a pond study at Prairie Ridge Eco-Station and also went there for a walk in the aroborteum with a naturalist. They pretended to be prey and predator in the tall grass. We discovered a cocoon and a crysalis too. Our most fun was noticing that there were two types of buttercups. One had more white and was slightly more open and a lot shinier than the typical buttercup. We also went to a horse show.
Geography: We read about the Mongols in our Marco Polo book. We also located San Diego and several of the West Indian Islands on our map.
History: We read about Queen Elizabeth, Bloody Mary, Anne of Askew, Columbus and the Viking presence in North America.
Art History: We read more from our biography on Michelangelo and did a good study on the Sistine Chapel.
PE: They had gymnastics this week. Melissa had tumbling and a cheer clinic. Harrison had the father son football game and a baseball game. Of course we had some trampoline time as well and a playdate at the park.
Religion: Melissa had Awanas. Harrison has decided to just read by my classroom instead. We went to Easter services. We also discussed some variations in different protestant beliefs, why different people have different tolerance levels of different things, etc.
Music: Harrison had a guitar lesson and practiced.
Other: We watched Quest for Camelot and compared it to the Arthurian legends that we read earlier in the year. We went to of DH's softball games and tonight, Melissa and I are going to see her friends perform a play. Harrison got a deck of marked cards in his Easter basket and practiced with those all week.
We also had various social experiences. Melissa's godfather is living with us temporarily while he househunts in the area and he arrived this week and his mom came with him for the drive. He just had surgury on his neck and can't eat alone. So they had plenty of time learning how to be polite with older adults that they don't know as well as those they do. We had a park playdate with multiple ages (ages 1 to 12). Melissa impressed my by playing catch with a 4 yo and a 3 yo at the softball game.
Thanks for sharing your week!