Today, we had our first dissection opportunity!
Melissa loves ocean animals and
currently aspires to be a marine biologist. So of course, we jumped at the chance to dissect a dog shark.

The kid worked in pairs. They teamed oldest kids with youngest. Melissa was middle of the pack so she got paired with same age boy.

The boy's father commented that Melissa definitely didn't approach this like a "
girly" girl but jumped in with full enthusiasm.

She didn't get grossed out by the glorious guts.

or the lovely smell of

Harrison didn't want to do the dissection initially and chose to observe casually. However, by the end of the session, he was excited about it and can't wait to do it again.
Which will be soon. We brought the shark home to show daddy and plan to boil the head to remove the jaw this evening. Anyone want some shark head soup?
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