Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekly Summary 3/13/09

This week was such a light week -we had three gorgous days earlier in the week and took full advantage of them. The latter half of the week, it was rainy and dreary. I had to work those days anyway and he was in the office. I can't believe how fast this week went!

Literature: We continued Pilgrim's Progress Book Two. We also read two chapters in Robin Hood We continute listening to Wind and the Willows in the car and 2 chapters of Frindle at lunch. We're through chapter 8 in Queen of Sorcery.

Reading: He continues reading Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Composition: This week, he wrote a synopsis for several Cyberchase shows and let his sister pick one to watch based on the synopsis.

Penmanship: Continued copywork journal

Typing: Same old practice....

Vocabulary: Two rounds of Word Roots.

Spanish: Worked on Rosetta Stone.

Math: We started Singapore 4B and thus decimals.. We watched some Cyberchase. He also did one page in his Challenge Word Problems (CWP) book. However, the highlight of the week was playing Lure of the Labyrinth.

Logic: He did 11 pages in his Logic Countdown book. Most of these were the section on deduction. This led to him doing some level 1 logic problems from my logic problem books.

Nature Studies: We diverted from Burgess Bird Book to start The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker by Arthur Scott Bailey. We watched some youtube videos on woodpeckers and continued our nature walks -observing some birds at play.

Science: I don't think we did any science this week but play with catapults and build a lego ship....

History: Our history readings this week revolved around the War of the Roses. He also played some Crusader Stronghold.

Geography: We continue our reading about Marco Polo, concentrating on his coming into China and learning about Buddhism and I pulled out a jade buddha statue that I was given when I worked in China Town many moons ago. We also looked at a map of Italy in the Renaissance times.

Art History: We continue our unit on Michelangelo with a study of The Creation of Adam. We discussed the technique of fresco. We also began Diane Stanley's biography on Michelangelo.

Art: We used our line drawing skills to learn how to draw grass and flowers.

Music Appreciation: We continue our study on Bach. This week we focused on Air on the G-String

Music: Guitar practice and lesson. He's working on Surf Rock. He had some transcription homework.

Religious Studies: He continued his memory work and worked on several Awana lessons during the week.

PE: Gymnastics class-worked on jumping and catching. He also started football over the weekend and baseball this week!! He and his father played catch several times.

Home-Ec: He was a house cleaning slave this week -just ask him!


  1. Looks like a good week, thanks for sharing

  2. Wow, and you do all this after school? That's a great week.


  3. Oh no- I only afterschool my daughter and she gets about 1/3 of this. I homeschool my son, though he often has to work at the office.
